Kids React Wiki
Double Rainbow, Obama Fail, Twin Rabbits, Snickers Halloween
Kr double rainbow




16 Oct 2010

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Watch this episode [1]

Videos watched in this episode[]

  1. "Yosemitebear Mountain Giant Double Rainbow 1-8-10" [2]
  2. "2 Bunnies 2 Cups" [3]
  3. "Snickers Halloween Grocery Store Lady" [4]
  4. "Obama Presidential Seal Falls off during speech Podium Lectern Blooper" [5]

This episode featured[]

Best quotes[]

Benny: Why where they [the bunnies] in a cup?

Dylan: Because they pee a lot.

— Dylan
Benny: Have you ever had rabbits or anything like that?

Jake: Zero. All I had was a goldfish, I'm an only child, I live in a neighborhood with no kids in it. Oh my gosh.

— Jake
Benny: If you were at the grocery store and she came up to you, what would you do?

Jake: I would possibly go take my butcher knife and slice the kids out, THEN snipe her in the head.

Rafi: You have a lot of weapons. Does your mother know this?

Jake: She knows nothing of my ways.

— Jake